5th until 17th November : Embracing the Elements : Jools Woodhouse, Alison Bowskill, Fran Marsh Williams & Jillian Hunt

Jools Woodhouse, Alison Bowskill, Fran Madewood & Jillian Hunt - 5th until 17th November - Open Daily 1030-1630

Four West Dorset artists are EMBRACING THE ELEMENTS and the effects upon people and landscapes in this extraordinary region.

 Jillian Hunt creates abstract photography that evolves into innovative textiles and unique interior decor.

Alison Bowskill explores a variety of printmaking processes and techniques including Etching, Lithography and Lino. Her prints are an emotive response to locations and environments which capture the drama, life and mood of these places.

Fran Williams creates magical and handcrafted wooden automata, music boxes and sculpture. Her pieces are made in part from found materials, made to move, make you smile and tell a story.

Jools Woodhouse has recently incorporated hand painted and printed collage paper into her paintings adding depth and texture to her distinctive depictions of semi-abstract local landscapes.

This two-week exhibition showcases the culmination of their creative journeys, reflecting how each artist uniquely engages with and is inspired by their surroundings.

“As artists, we spend time reflecting on our environment and responding to the rhythms of life and landscape. Coming together to celebrate the diverse ways we interact with these elements is both fulfilling and enlightening.”






28 October until 3 November - Benchmark - Pete Hackett


18 - 21 November - 4 Days